2 Dental Rinses To Alleviate Trench Mouth While Wearing Braces

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Trench mouth is inflammation that often occurs as a result of poor dental care. If you do not floss or brush your teeth frequently enough, then this can quickly lead to the buildup of plaque underneath your gum line. This plaque will begin to irritate your gums, causing them to bleed frequently. Your gums will soon look swollen, irritated, and red due to the bacterial buildup. The only way to get rid of trench mouth is to practice proper dental care.…

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Fluoride Mouthwash: Use And Benefits

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Remember those silly commercials where the people are swishing with mouthwash in front of their bathroom mirrors? They’ve got funny distorted faces from the burn of the mouth rinse, but by the end of the commercial, their mouth feels sparkly clean. Even so, these ads rarely offer much beneficial information about fluoride mouthwash and how it should be used.  Here are some details about fluoride mouthwash to help you use it properly and understand its benefits:…

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