Causes And Treatment Options For Small Teeth
Your smile is an important part of your ability to eat and speak, but it is also an essential part of your appearance. If your smile is not healthy and appealing, you may struggle with how you look, which can affect your self-esteem and confidence level. In addition, issues with your smile will most likely make you smile less, which can affect others around you. One common problem some people face is having unusually small teeth.…
Read More »2 Reasons Dental Implants Have Such High Success Rates
According to most statistics, dental implants succeed over 95% of the time, leaving less than 5% of all dental implants unsuccessful. This is a very high rate of success, and there are reasons for this. If you need a tooth replaced and want a solution that is permanent and that offers great results, you should consider choosing a dental implant. Here are two of the top reasons dental implants are so successful for people who need them.…
Read More »What Your Dentist Office Does And Does Not Do
Dental services is a very broad phrase that does not fully explain what a dentist does or what a particular dental office will do. Understanding exactly what services an office provides, and what services it limits for other oral and dental professionals, helps lessen the confusion when selecting a new dentist. The following highlights the most common, least common, and totally NOT doable services of most dental offices. Most Common Services …
Read More »4 Signs You May Have A Cavity
A cavity doesn’t always present as a hole in your tooth. There are other, subtle changes to your dental health that may signify you have a cavity, such as toothache, pain when eating, bad breath, and sensitivity to temperatures. #1 Toothache A toothache may have to do with the condition of your teeth. If you have a cavity, this can cause you to experience pain from the gum around the infected tooth or from the tooth itself if the infection has spread to the roots and nerves of your tooth.…
Read More »Dental Myths You Don't Want To Fall For
There are myths out there about anything and everything. Therefore, it should come as little surprise to learn that there are tons of myths regarding dental care as well. Here are some of the myths you may hear the most often and the real deal so you aren’t believing false things that can lead to you doing the wrong things to and for your teeth. Myth: Chewing ice helps you remove plaque from your teeth…
Read More »What You Should Know About Sedation Dentistry
For many patients, going to the dentist is overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. Many dentists, however, offer sedation dentistry to help combat dentist-related stress. If you are avoiding the dentist because you are nervous about treatment, check out these three facts you must know about sedation dentistry to see if it’s the right choice for you. Nitrous Oxide Is a Common Form of Sedation The majority of dentists offer the weakest form of sedation dentistry, and you may have had it at some point in your life.…
Read More »3 Things To Know About Teeth Whitening
Your smile can have a major impact on your appearance and your self-esteem. If your teeth are not as white as they could be, it can have a negative impact on how you view yourself. The good news is that teeth whitening can help you get a brighter and whiter smile. Teeth whitening services can whiten your teeth several shades in just a few hours. If you are considering teeth whitening, here are three things to keep in mind.…
Read More »3 Ways Anxiety Can Damage Your Teeth
You probably know that your anxiety can cause all kinds of seemingly unconnected symptoms throughout your body, such as a racing heartbeat, diarrhea, and even chest pain. Unfortunately, your mouth isn’t immune to the possibility of anxiety symptoms. Whether it’s from an anxiety disorder or simply because you have a high-stress job or living situation, anxiety can damage your teeth as well. Here are three types of potentially anxiety-related tooth damage to watch out for.…
Read More »A Few Things To Know About Choosing A Resin Or Amalgam Filling
Dental fillings are an important part of caring for your teeth. A filling prevents a cavity from getting larger and destroying a tooth. A filling can also stop an infection from developing since it seals the hole in the tooth’s enamel. You should get a filling while the cavity is still small rather than putting off dental work. You can choose between a resin or amalgam filling. Here’s how they compare.…
Read More »3 Important Things To Know About Sleep Apnea
Living your life with sleep apnea without the proper treatment for it can be deadly, yet it is very easy to treat in most cases. If you believe you might have sleep apnea, you do not even need to talk to your doctor about it. Instead, talk to your dentist at your next checkup. Your dentist can help you determine if you have it, why you should not ignore it, and how to treat it.…
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