2 Little Known Contemporary Dental Techniques

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Dental technology continues to develop at a mind-boggling pace. While this is undeniably of benefit to society at large, the rate of innovation can leave people struggling to keep abreast of all the latest developments. If you would like to improve your knowledge of modern dentistry, read on. This article will outline two exciting new techniques.

CAD/CAM Modeling

CAD/CAM technology is nothing new to those who work in fields such as engineering, design, or architecture. This acronym, which stands for computer-aided design and manufacturing, utilizes sophisticated computer software to allow complex forms to be modeled down to the tiniest detail. Only recently, however, have CAD/CAM techniques been put to work in the dental industry--specifically in order to help create better fitting and more quickly produced dental prosthetics.

What you need to appreciate here is that, traditionally, prosthetics such as veneers and crowns have been created by hand. This involves first making a mold of the tooth or teeth in question. This process is laborious and awkward for both the dental practitioner and the patient. Once the mold is created, it must be sent to a dental laboratory in order for the permanent prosthetic to be manufactured--a process that can easily take several weeks.

CAD/CAM allows dentists to undertake this process in a way that is not only much less intrusive, but also one that is quicker and more accurate. Here a miniature camera is used to take measurements of the inside of the mouth. This data is then used to create a 3D model of the damaged area--and, from that, the necessary prosthesis. This greatly accelerates the turnaround of the entire process.

Abrasive Air Cleaning

As anyone who has ever had a cavity filled knows quite well, the process is not always an entirely comfortable one--to put it mildly. Drills and metal hand tools have historically been the most common implements used in order to remove decayed portions of the tooth. Such tools not only result in a certain amount of pain, but they also carry a marked risk of further damaged the tooth through chipping or fracturing.

Abrasive air cleaning does away with both the risks and the discomfort associated with traditional cavity filling. The basic principle is simple: a stream of very fine particulate matter is projected against the decayed area, effectively blasting it away. The special tools used to carry out this type of cleaning allow dentists to remove decay with an unparalleled degree of precision. 

Contact professionals such as Leidenheimer Dental Group Inc to learn more.
